St. Patrick's Day Digital Bundle

Choose your Lapbook cutouts level Level 1 Level 2

Have you ever wanted to learn about the real story behind St. Patrick's Day? Who was the man and how did the holiday come to be? Where did all the symbolism come from and what does it represent? Our brand new holiday mini unit is going to answer all your questions and more! Come learn more about Ireland and its history and geography. Read a story of intrigue and adventure as you discover the power of forgiveness and a life wholly devoted to God. 

This 3-day special holiday mini unit is the perfect size for you to either add on to your regular school or do as a detour from your normal schedule. Unlike our other mini units, there are no student books for this unit, only lapbook kits/cutouts. And for the first time ever, the lapbook is built right into the teaching! As you read, you will be prompted to stop and assemble a lapbook element to help reinforce the learning that is happening. 

The lapbook is available in two levels. Simply choose your level and go! Level 1 is full watercolor, simple cut and paste, with all the information there, making it a good fit for younger students or any reluctant writers or if you don't want to do something heavy. Level 2 is recommended for Upper Elementary (11+) or for kids that want more of a challenge or don't mind writing. It has lines for you to fill out the information and show what you learned.

What's included in this purchase?

This listing is for the digital, downloadable version of our St. Patrick's Day Mini Unit—which is three days long. You will receive the digital Teacher's Guide as well as the Lapbook cutouts in your choice of Level 1 OR Level 2. Please note: a folder and brass fastener for the lapbook will need to be purchased separately for each student.  You will need one Lapbook Cutout pack per student. If you need to purchase more cutout packs, they are available in or .

-The Teacher's Guide (30 pages)
-Level 1 OR Level 2 Lapbook cutouts (each level is 36 pages)