Throughout this unit, you will be learning about the history of some of your favorite (and maybe new-to-you) sports, how they are played, the rules of the game, as well as what equipment is needed. You will see the creativity of people who are made in God’s image as they break new records, invent new games, and inspire millions of people all over the world!
You will start off this unit with a general fitness assessment to get an idea of where you are physically and if you could possibly improve. Make a goal for yourself to be active throughout the month and eat nutritious foods. Then, at the end of the unit you can take the assessment again and check for progress in your endurance and strength!
Each day in your Student Book, you will have a page that focuses on nutrition. A big part of your physical fitness comes down to what you put into your body. You will learn about many specific nutrients, how they fuel your body, how much you need, where to find them, and much more. You can then track the foods you eat and analyze whether or not you are getting the daily recommended amount of each nutrient. If needed, you can use this information to adjust your nutrition habits or make healthier choices. Join us as we discover the wonderful world of sports together!
The writing project: Students will create their own sports broadcast or article for an imaginary sports team that they create! Like a coach, they will choose players from either real-life people they know, movie or book characters, historical figures, or anything else. They will create trading cards for the players showing their main strengths in speed or abilities. Students will also plan out their own game and decide things like big plays, injuries, and what players were involved before creating their own sports broadcast or article.
Don't miss our add ons for this unit!
Full-Year Family Fitness Plan: Our full-year Family Fitness Plan is an undated year-long workout plan designed to build confidence and be a tool to help you stay healthy and connect as a family in a new way. Each month has daily exercise plans, a log for you to track your family's progress, and an accompanying companion guide which will teach you the various exercises and modifications. The routines shouldn't take longer than about 10–15 minutes so they are easy to do (simply do multiple sets if you want to do more). The best part about this workout plan is you will not need any fancy equipment and can perform all the exercises right at home! These are available in or .
Sports + PE Daily Fitness Log: Keep track of your daily nutrition, water intake, and exercise with the daily fitness log! Available in level one for non-writers (room to draw) or level two (more chart style), it’s a great way for students to take ownership of their health! This is available in only.
Optional Daily Seatwork/Writing Mechanics: Our Seatwork Journal is a writing mechanics daily practice notebook that includes copywork (in your choice of manuscript or cursive), memory work, spelling practice, vocabulary, daily planning, and even grammar! Available in Early Reader-High School in or , these journals have specific spelling words and grammar sections that are appropriate for your child's level.
What to buy? You can purchase a leveled bundle with one student notebook of your choice and the Teacher's Guide, or the full family bundle that includes all levels with the Teacher's Guide. If you have more than one child you are buying for, it is more economical to get the full bundle to re-use in the future with your kids at older levels. All digital bundles come as an instant download in PDF format for you to print at home.
How long are units designed to last? Each unit is designed to be 4-5 weeks. Our main units and most of our mini units include 20 lessons and can be done as a 4-day school week (lasting 5 weeks) or a 5-day school week (lasting 4 weeks) to offer flexibility. You're in control! Set a schedule that works best for your family and your pace will dictate how quickly you complete any given unit.