This Digital Report Writing Track will walk students through 20 lessons on how to write an informational report with daily instruction and examples. It is not themed and can be used alongside any of our units for additional support or foundational teaching. There are two levels to choose from within the lessons. Level 1 is appropriate for more reluctant writers, and Level 2 is more appropriate for intermediate writers. Each lesson has a variety of activities like teaching, examples, questions, and writing prompts to help walk your student through the steps of writing a good report. By the end of this track, students should have a report they are proud of and will also be assessing their own work by filling in a rubric to see how they did. If your students need more work on fleshing out their writing, we recommend doing our paragraph writing track first to build a foundation for strong writing (applicable for all ages). When you purchase digital, you will print one writing track per child.