Fauna Marin - Ultra Phos 0.04
PHOS 0,04 a novel compound granules, which phosphates and yellow substances are safely removed from the aquarium cycle. A unique feature is the safe use of PHOS 0,04, since the PO4-value can not fall to 0.00 mg/l. Therefore PHOS 0,04 is safe, while extremely effective.
Color and nutrients are tightly bound to the material and not re-released, so the nutrient content of the aquarium can be kept very low. Unwanted algae growth is effectively prevented and corals can develop their natural colors.
Application and dosage:
- Please list changes in your aquarium slowly and carefully!
- Use 50 ml Ultra PHOS 0,04 per 100 liters of water.
- After 5 days, you can increase the amount of up to 100 ml per 100 liters of water.
- Check the PO4 content regularly.
- It is not advisable to UltraPHOS0,04 use at the lowest PO4 values.
- Best Ultra PHOS 0,04 is used, behind a UV clarifier and after fine filtration in a fluidized bed reactor. The flow rate should be 100 - 200 liters / h. The slower the better.
- If the PO4 content rises again, replace Ultra PHOS 0,04 with fresh material.
- Keep Product away from children.
- Not for animals that use to serve as a source of food.
Do not breathe, do not swallow.
Skin and eye contact.
- 500ml
- 1000ml